Thursday, July 15, 2010

A Note on Reviews

Before you start reading my reviews, there's one thing I have to make clear - I'm all about entertainment. I don't care what implications a text has about the social implications of goat herding in an agricultural society, nor do I care about the hidden or not so hidden poltical subtext in most modern movies. I do not analyze anything, especially if it's on a big screen and I'm sitting in a movie theater.

While I do think the ability to analyze a text or movie for its social or political statements is an important skill to have, I will be investigating none of those things here. I'm doing this for enjoyment, not for a grade. Please refrain from telling me I missed the entire point of a movie or book because chances are, I didn't. I just don't feel the need to prove that I am intelligent, and I also believe that sometimes a story is just a story. The bottom line is that if I like something, it'll get a favorable review. If I don't, well then you know the rest.

I'm also going to keep all reviews as short as I can, and sometimes I'll do "Haiku Reviews." I want to keep things as short and to the point as possible. Also, please note that sometimes it takes me forever to get around to things. You know that movie you saw three years ago? I probably just watched it last night. Yeah, I'm like that.


Anonymous said...

Good. I'm just now getting around to seeing American Splendor. Maybe now I'll have someone to talk to about it :oP