Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Movie Review: The Other Guys

Another weekend past, another movie seen. This time it was The Other Guys, a comedy about an Odd Couple like team who end up busting a big time baddie. I was really looking forward to this film because I love Will Ferrell because he makes me laugh, and I love Mark Wahlberg because I love to laugh at him. I went into this with Anchorman expectations and left feeling like I just sat through another Ricky Bobby movie.

Don't get me wrong - there are plenty of hilarious parts in this movie. I laughed out loud quite a few times and thought that the over the top acting on the part of the cast was absolutely perfect. Mark Wahlberg was particularly hilarious as a miserable, angry cop who wants a chance to be in the spotlight. Will Ferrell was his usual unassumingly funny self, even if I thought a part of his character reveal was one of the most idiotic things I've seen in a long time. I really enjoyed Dwayne Johnson and Samuel L. Jackson in their roles as the supercops. They were absolutely hysterical. Eva Mendes was all right. Michael Keaton was entertaining as the police chief. Are you noticing something here? No character names? Right, because I don't remember any of them and I'm not looking them up.

I know I should expect much of a plot from a comedy, but seriously, the story line in this movie was pure garbage. Bernie Madoff was the inspiration, with the character played by Steve Coogan as the leader of a Ponzi scheme. Most of the movie revolved around Marky Mark and Will trying to figure out exactly which was going on, which I think left the audience as confused as they were. By the time the movie was over, I didn't care what was going on. I just wanted to leave.

The worst part was that there were a lot of irrelevant jokes, like a running one about TLC songs. Really? The best the writers could come up with was references from 1999? Add in a completely out of left field credit roll with all kinds of pie charts and figures about CEOs and Fortune 500 companies, and there you have the randomness of this movie. Random is good, but at some point everything has to come together, and in this trainwreck, it didn't. I heartily suggest you avoid this at all costs, or at least wait until you can rent it. Don't encourage these people!

Seriously, I'm not even taking the time to look up a picture for this piece of crap. That's how bad it was.


Mongolian Beef said...

This is disappointing - I was realllllly hoping for an Anchorman repeat. It's been so long :(

Great review :)

Sera Belle said...

Oh well, saved money. Thanks Luce!